
The Runewild - A Dark Fairy-Tale Setting for 5E

Created by Matthew J. Hanson

A 5e setting book and hexcrawl in a forest filled with witches, fey, and things that go bump in the night.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All Through the Long Dark Night
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 09:18:20 PM

Hello Runewild Backers,

Just minutes ago I told DriveThruRPG to send you codes for our third Seasons of the Runewild adventure: All Through the Long Dark Night.

This is the adventure that inspired them all, when Bill ran it for our playtest group during the holidays. After an angry ice fey freezes the people of Widderspire during the solstice celebration, the heroes must venture to the Fey Realm to free Ember John, or at least his magic sack of embers.

As always, if you have an issue downloading it, let me know, either through Kickstarter message or emailing [email protected].

Status Update

In other news, Bill has finished the first draft of the final Seasons of the Runewild adventure, Springtime Comes to Kidwelly, and is now working on all the extra encounters we're adding to the main book as part of stretch goals.

Meanwhile I'm reviewing Springtime for edits and improvements. It looks like a blast, including a possible fight against animated turnips. 

I should put out the art order for Springtime before the end of the year, and once we've got the art back for that, we'll start working on art for the main campaign book. 

That's all for now. Enjoy your holidays. I'll be in touch again sometime in January.

-Matthew J. Hanson

almost 6 years ago – Tue, Nov 06, 2018 at 07:47:12 PM

Hello Runewild Backers,

We just released the harvest-themed adventure Bonedigger, and I sent all of you all a copy through RPGNow's complimentary email tool. If you have not gotten an email from them, let me know either through Kickstarter PM or emailing [email protected]. I sent the copy to email you have on file with Kickstarter, so if you have another email that you use for RPGNow/DriveThruRPG, let me know that too.

For those of you whose pledged levels include a copy of Marriage at Midsummer, I sent those out also. Since I haven't done the surveys yet I'm not sure who got it as an add-on, so I haven't sent those copies, but if you included it as an add-on and are itching to get your copy of Marriage at Midsummer, contact me and we'll figure it out.

Bill has also finished the first draft of The Long, Dark Night, and is working hard on revising it. We hope to have that done and out to you guys by December.

From this point forward I'm planning to do an update at least once a month to let you know how things are going (possible more if there's more news).

See you in December,


Campaign Complete!
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 12:58:33 AM

Hello again Runewild Backers,

Congratulations everybody! The Runewild Kickstarter campaign has been a major success. Together 423 backers raised three times our original goal. We've added fifty additional encounter areas to the Runewild Setting—including three larger keyed encounters—funded two additional adventures, and earned some GM screen inserts.

Now What?

The Funding campaign is over, but there's still a lot going on. Right now Kickstarter is processing your payments. Keep an eye out for emails about error messages, these are fairly common and usually a small issue, like an expired credit card, but if you don't fix the error within two weeks, you'll end up losing out on your rewards.

I'll be sending out PDFs of Bonedigger as soon as we get the final pieces of art, which I expect any day now. I'll also send out copies of Marriage at Midsummer to the pledges that automatically included that in the next couple days. Those who got it as an add-on will need to wait until I send out the Backer Kit surveys. Speaking of which, I'm not quite sure when I'll send those out, but I am using Backer Kit to manage add-ons and collect addresses, so keep an eye out for those.

Meanwhile Bill is going to start writing up all the extra encounters. If you have not gotten a chance to do so, you can fill out this quick survey to let us know what kinds of things you'd like to see in the extra encounters. We are planning to put together a few options for the keyed adventure locations and give you all a chance to vote for them, so be on the lookout for that in the coming weeks.

That's all for now. Thank you again for all your support. I am extremely excited to get this book out.

-Matthew J. Hanson

The Final Countdown!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 01:51:09 PM

Hello Runewild Backers,

With 33 hours to go, we have definitely hit the end of the campaign surge!

Thanks to nearly forty new backers yesterday we've plowed through another stretch goal, so now everybody at the $15 level or higher will get PDF GM screen inserts that contain some of the most important tables for running the Runewild.

We still have one more stretch goal for a print-and-play PDF deck of cards Runewild fortune cards. Each card contains a fortune, a blessing, a curse, and corresponds to a card in the deck of many things. As I write this we are less than $2,300 away from reaching this goal. Considering that we raised over a $1,000 yesterday and are well on track to raise more today, I think we can reach it.

Kickstarter-Exclusive Edition Goal

In addition to the normal stretch goals, I've also added a special goal that is based on the number of backers whose pledge include the option for a Kickstarter-exclusive book (all the levels $50 and up). If we reach a combined total of 100 of those backers, I'll commission an original alternate cover, which will only appear on the Kickstarter-exclusive edition.

As I write this we only need 34 more backers at these levels to make the variant cover a go.

Do You Have Everything You Want?

As the end of the campaign draws near, it's time to check and make sure that you have included all the add-ons and upgrades you want.

I'm going to use Backer Kit to manage pledges after the campaign ends, and some things like the maps and extra copies of the standard book can be added there. However, you can only get the Runewild denizens (9 left!), part of the art (2 left!) and the Kickstarter-exclusive edition (infinity left!) through pledges to this Kickstarter campaign.

Spread the Word

Time is also running out to let others know about the Runewild campaign. Word of mouth is the most effective way to spread the word, so if you know people who might be interested and haven't told them virtually or in person, now is the time!

That's all for now. I'll be sure to check in tomorrow after the campaign ends if there's no news sooner.
